Imagine creating clear career goals that align with your values to make sure you are navigating to your destination...
Imagine recognizing and mastering the skills you need to improve your performance...
Imagine using gratitude and self appreciation to find your own happiness at work...
Imagine maintaining emotional self control in a way that helps you achieve your goals...
Imagine creating clear personal goals that align with your priorities to make sure you are navigating to your destination...
Imagine having the self discipline to become the best version of yourself...
Imagine practicing extraordinary self care so that you have energy to engage and connect with others...
Imagine managing your mindset and expectations in a way that allows you to thrive...
Coaching is a tool that had traditionally been used in leadership development, and has now expanded to support growth in many other areas. Coaching has been demonstrated to help physicians and nurses with many aspects of their life and career.
One on one coaching is a collaborative process between you, the client, and me, your coach. Through weekly or biweekly sessions over three to six months we will explore your goals, identify your challenges, and choose what areas to work on. Our highly personalized sessions makes coaching efficient and productive for you.
Success and happiness in one area of life is generally linked to other areas. Our conversations will go beyond your work life and will look at your physical and emotional wellbeing as well as your strategies for self-care.
Coaching with me is completely confidential.